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Six Weeks.
No Excuses. 

Experience an unstoppable momentum
in your business

Tired of people just not getting what you do?

Don’t know how to set yourself apart?

Do customers seem to care about only one thing – PRICE?

It’s time to turn it all around.

Apply for Matthew’s
One-on-one Rapid Growth®

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Craft Your Unified Message

A unique, intriguing message that inspires prospective customers to WANT to know more.

Discover Your Niche of Willing-to-Buy Clients

A group of people you’re perfectly suited to serve, who appreciate the true value in what you do, see you as the only logical choice, and are willing to pay you what you’re worth.

Create A Sales System That Actually Works

No uncomfortable bulldog tactics or hard selling required, just a natural, step-by-step process that delivers reliable, predictable results. This is the system proven to quadruple sales performance, regardless of your current sales abilities.

Have Your Ideal Clients Chase You

Learn the proven strategies to online celebrity in your niche – an automated system that generated Matthew a six-figure inbound business within just six months.

Find One Mentor With A Complete Blueprint For Rapid Growth

One comprehensive, straightforward system encompassing everything you need for a Rapid Growth business, both in the real world and online.

What would it do for you and your business to obtain all this in just six weeks? Let’s find out!

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The Process

Matthew has received over 150 5-star reviews for one simple reason: his methods work. His decade of experience, his commitment to the success of your business, and his diverse industry background make him uniquely qualified to deliver unparalleled results. And because Matthew values your time, your money, and his impeccable record of client success, he’ll do whatever it takes to ensure your business obtains Rapid Growth.

Get ready for an intensive six weeks…

And enjoy the results of your hard work for the rest of your life.

Matthew has received over 150 5-star reviews for one simple reason: his methods work. His decade of experience, his commitment to the success of your business, and his diverse industry background make him uniquely qualified to deliver unparalleled results. And because Matthew values your time, your money, and his impeccable record of client success, he’ll do whatever it takes to ensure your business obtains Rapid Growth.

Get ready for an intensive six weeks…

And enjoy the results of your hard work for the rest of your life.

Lay of the Land

Time: 1-2 Hours

Before we set out on your path to Rapid Growth, we’ve got to make sure we’re heading in the right direction. Matthew will set you a series of tasks that require some soul-searching, leading you to think about yourself, your talents, and your business in new and illuminating ways.

  • Rediscover your passion
  • Calibrate a laser focus
  • Get that fire back in your belly
  • See your customers and market from new perspectives
  • Discover what really makes you unique

Deep Dive

Time: 1-2 Hours

This is where the magic happens. Matthew will review your preliminary tasks, your website, and any other relevant info – send him as much as you’ve got. He’ll use it to create your customized Rapid Growth strategy.

  • Identify barriers and conflicts that are holding you back
  • Discover opportunities that have been right in front of you all along
  • Determine a niche of willing-to-buy clients you’re ideally suited to serve
  • Create a message that perfectly encapsulates who you are and what you provide

Session 1

Time: 2 Hours

Your Unified Message

Matthew’s approach to messaging is vastly different from run-of-the-mill marketing theory. He doesn’t focus on a gap in the market and force you to adapt to it; he zeroes in on who you are and what you were born to do, and creates a message to perfectly reflect that – a message that excites and inspires your ideal customers to WANT to know more.

  • Stop bending to the needs of the market; that’s a recipe for discomfort and incongruence
  • Finally say, “YES. That’s exactly who I am!”
  • Finally talk about who you are and what you do in a way that feels congruent and authentic
  • Harness the superpower that comes with channeling your passion into all your business activities

Session 2

Time: 2 Hours

Niche Marketing

Speaking to everyone is speaking to no one. Matthew will pinpoint your exact niche of ideal customers, who will respond instantly to your unified message, see real value in what you do, be willing to pay you what you’re worth, and see you as the only logical choice.

  • Your skills, experience, education, and background make you uniquely suited to serve ONE specific group of people – find out who they are, and make your competition irrelevant
  • Create packaging and pricing that makes it easy for customers to buy – no more time-consuming proposals that never get read
  • Create three targeted client success stories that instantly embed your value and make clients say, “I need that!” regardless of price.
  • Uncover the secret to easily booking TV, radio and top-rated podcast interviews, getting your message out to hundreds of thousands of your ideal customers.
  • Discover how to embed your unified message and powerful stories into any interview, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Session 3

Time: 2 Hours

Part 1 – Sales Systemization

Become a master networker as you discover how to naturally embed your unified message and core client stories into every discussion. Embrace a tried and tested sales process, proven to turn even the most introverted business owners into sales powerhouses. No bulldog tactics or hard closes – just an authentic, step-by-step process that naturally leads to a sale.

  • Say goodbye to awkward networking. People will be hanging on your every word and inviting you to tell them MORE!
  • Embrace a system proven to quadruple the sales performance of any business owner, regardless of your current sales abilities

Part 2 – Online Profit Machine

Implement an automated system that utilizes technology, psychology, and strategy to share your unified message with the world, driving a steady flow of inbound enquires directly to you.

  • Discover the secret to getting your ideal customers to chase YOU
  • Learn how to leverage a little content to drive powerful results, putting an end to non-stop content creation and mindless social scheduling
  • Obtain explosive growth in website traffic by embracing the power of free social media
  • Transform your website into a profit-generating machine by turning visitors into buyers

Matthew on
Speed Dial

Matthew doesn’t take his commitment to you and your business lightly – throughout this process, you are never alone. You’ll have Matthew’s personal cell phone number, which you’re welcome to call anytime. Don’t spend hours trying to figure something out on your own, when a five-minute call will get you back on the path to Rapid Growth.

The Intensive Format

If you’ve tried business coaching before, you’ve noticed that most providers work on a month-to-month basis, with open-ended engagements and no clear deliverables. This is usually because they have difficulty finding clients themselves, so they hold onto the ones they have for dear life. Unfortunately, this often leads to them becoming a leech on the very businesses they are paid to help.

Matthew works with a limited number of clients at a time, on focused short-term engagements, with clearly outlined deliverables. By the end of these targeted sessions you’ll walk out with your entire strategy for Rapid Growth, begun its implementation, and seen ROI. There is no need for Matthew to continue charging you beyond that, as you’ll have everything you need to sustain your momentum and continue to rapidly grow.

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So what happens next? Matthew for LIFE.

Once you’ve completed your Rapid Growth Intensive, you should never have to pay another dime to get Matthew’s ongoing input and advice for your business.

Yes, the Intensive gives you everything you need to achieve your dream business – but as your business grows, technology changes, and the market evolves, you’re bound to hit new challenges and roadblocks. Wouldn’t it be great to call on Matthew during those times – for FREE?

Matthew’s view is, “Once a client, always a client.” That’s why he holds a weekly live stream Q&A every Tuesday at 4:00 CST, exclusively for students and clients. In every session, he answers questions, provides feedback, and introduces new technologies and strategies to assist your continued success.

With Matthew in your corner, there is no need to worry about leaving the Intensive with a question unanswered, or be anxious about an unforeseen roadblock on the horizon. This is an exceptional opportunity to have direct access to Matthew, for the life of your business, without paying a single dollar more.

Real World Results

Watch This
Matthew is unrelenting in pushing you to be your best
Jim Comer
Matthew opened my eyes to a world of possibilities
Alex Murphy

Why spend months or years of
trial and error attempting to
figure it all out for yourself?

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A Lifetime of Rapid Growth® Bonuses

While the Intensive program itself is all you need to obtain a Rapid Growth business, Matthew always over-delivers. When you join his one-on-one, you also receive these additional bonuses of unlimited value

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Get More Out of Your Intensive

When accepted to the Rapid Growth Intensive, you’ll also receive access to Matthew’s nine-week online Academy. While it’s not required that you complete the lessons, they provide additional context and foundations, leading you to ask smarter questions, move through the process faster, and receive even greater value from your Intensive sessions.

And because you have access for life, it’s a resource to return to every time you need a strategy refresher, a motivation boost, or Rapid Growth in a new business venture.

Hear From Business Owners Just Like You

Sometimes, the biggest factor of success is believing it’s possible for YOU. That’s why Matthew has recorded over seven hours of case studies with previous participants, just like you, flown in from all over the world to describe their experience and results.

You’ll hear them discuss what worked for them, what they struggled with, what barriers they hit, how they overcame them, and what they learned along the way.

Not only are they packed full of additional value, these case studies are motivation superchargers. You’ll see yourself and your business in these people, and know that success is possible for you too.

Get Out of Your Isolation

One of the hardest parts about being in business for yourself is the isolation. No one really understands the unique challenges and complexities you face daily, and sometimes it can feel like you’re going it all alone.

But in Matthew’s private Facebook group, long after you have finished your Intensive, you’ll continue to find support, encouragement, and advice from smart, ambitious business owners just like you.

This is your safe place to ask questions, share your fears, and get real-time feedback on your ideas and concerns. Matthew himself is heavily involved in the group, along with many other talented and determined business owners continuing on their Rapid Growth® path. This community will be there through the ups the downs, the challenges and triumphs, ready to support you every step of the way. And as an Intensive graduate, your membership for life is FREE.

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What Makes Matthew Different?

He Walks the Walk.

Matthew’s methods aren’t just theory or wishful thinking. They’re the tried and proven strategies he’s used to transform 3500 client businesses – and to create five multi-million-dollar success stories of his own. Rest assured knowing that your customized plan for Rapid Growth is grounded not in theory, but in repeated real-world success.

He Makes It Personal.

Matthew cares about your success, and not just because he’s staked his reputation on his clients’ outcomes. He is passionate about helping business owners step out of the overwhelm and into a Rapid Growth business they love.

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Looking for a Less Expensive or Self-Paced Option?

Check out Matthew’s Rapid Growth Academy, an online training program proven to deliver Rapid Growth in nine weeks. The course covers all the elements of the Rapid Growth Intensive, plus more, and you can go at your own pace.

Matthew's Credit Guarantee

Not sure which program is right for you? If you enroll in Rapid Growth Academy and later decide you want to upgrade to the Rapid Growth Intensive, every dollar spent on the Academy will be applied to working with Matthew one-on-one.

Find out more about Rapid Growth Academy



Does Matthew have experience in my industry?


If you learn business strategies from someone who focuses only on your industry, you’ll end up just like everyone else in your market. This is not the path for you. It’s the outside perspective that brings the defining success factor to your Rapid Growth strategy. Matthew draws from widely varying industry experience, marketing tactics, and technology applications to synthesize a strategy that’s just right for you, to capitalize on your market and obtain Rapid Growth.


Are there any additional costs?


Matthew may suggest some software applications for your website, email list, or social media. These costs are minimal and result in high ROI.


Is this program for new or established businesses?


Rapid Growth Intensive is for any business owner who knows they have the skill, smarts, and determination to run a successful business, and who knows they need an A-Z strategy to make it happen. Some of Matthew’s students sign up as their businesses are just beginning, some have been struggling for years, and others have a long history of success, but have hit a plateau.


Is now the right time?


Whether you’re a new business burning through your savings, or a successful business that has stumbled into a plateau, now is the right time to get started. Why prolong the stress, expense, and uncertainty when you could solve the problem in just six weeks?


What if I forget something from our sessions?


All sessions are recorded on request and provided confidentially for your use.


What is the weekly time commitment?


Plan on spending 5-8 hours per week. That includes your sessions, completing your action items, and putting them into practice. By the end of the first session, you’ll discover that each strategy soon saves you far more time than you spend implementing it.


Can my business partners/spouse join me for our sessions?


Yes; in fact it is highly recommended. You’re a team, and a team must always share one strategy and grow together.

This is your chance to be one of the lucky few to work with the man who has made a business out of creating Rapid Growth. Responsible for five multi-million dollar success stories of his own, all before the age of thirty, founder of what INC. calls the #3 conference in America for small business, the mentor who has transformed the lives of over 3500 struggling business owners.

If you want someone to catapult you to long-term success, Matthew is your first and only choice.

Ready for a life-changing six weeks?

Let's get started building your rapid growth business today.

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Story Selling

Tanya Chernova Global Corp

Rapid Growth, the Lazy Way and Build Your Story Playbook

EO Fort Worth
Fort Worth, TX

To Be Announced

Baker Distributing Company
Orlando, FL

To Be Announced

Baker Distributing Company
Orlando, FL


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