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Forget About Goals - Why is the Key to Success

How can you truly help anyone if you don’t know where they want to go and why? This task will ensure that you are crystal clear about where the client wants to go and that each one of your sessions has a laser focus in getting them there.

22 minute listen

Better Business Coach

Expand your knowledge, gain confidence, and lock in your clients long-term with the Better Business Coach® Podcast – Leverage ten years of Matthew’s experience distilled into 25 episodes designed to bring you unparalleled success.

Finally put an end to flying blind, struggling to plan coaching sessions, and thinking of buying expensive and restrictive franchises. The Better Business Coach® Podcast removes all the guesswork and turns your coaching business into a well-oiled profit machine. It’s your one-stop resource for critical sales training, proven education, and actionable worksheets – straight from the Rapid Growth® Guy, Matthew Pollard.

Become A Business Coach

by Matthew Pollard
11 min read
Do you feel as if you’re destined for something greater? Would you like to earn hundreds of dollars an hour, in an industry voted as "the most personally satisfying?" Discover from Better Business Coach, Matthew Pollard, why business coaching is the right choice for you and your future.
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22 min Listen
Your next free worksheet – SWOT will really help your client understand if the goals they are setting themselves are achievable for their organization, or if they should be increased/reduced to better motivate and drive the organization to a higher or more realistic target....
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14 min Listen
Rich people talk about abundance all the time, but they don’t have bills stacking up and mouths they can’t afford to feed. So where does the abundance mindset fit in the "real world?"
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22 min Listen
In this episode of the Better Business Coach podcast, author, entrepreneur, and all-around visionary JV Crum III brings a fresh perspective to business coaching. He advocates for authenticity, urging coaches to embrace their unique passions and strengths. He goes on to challenge the scarcity mindset, instead sharing an abundance approach...
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22 min Listen
How can you truly help anyone if you don’t know where they want to go and why? This task will ensure that you are crystal clear about where the client wants to go and that each one of your sessions has a laser focus in getting them there.
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22 min Listen
Ever experienced your clients looking at you like you have a dollar sign on your forehead? We have all been there.....
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Five Free Client

Five Free Client

Everything you need to coach clients through their first five sessions and lock them in long-term.

  • The ultimate client diagnostic tool
  • Tried and proven deep dive templates
  • Uncover your clients’ real underlying business and personal problems


Build your Story Playbook

Phoenix Infrastructure
Coppell, TX

Invisible Persuasion: Building Trust and Profits Through Story

International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association
Las Vegas, NV

Build Your Story Playbook

Black & Veatch
San Antonio, TX

Story Selling

Tanya Chernova Global Corp


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